play makAll work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All HBAM2016AUG95 Pro 3.0 All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dullCopyright 1984-1996 Claris Corporation and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. delete record@ fmwindow 1.0b1 folder@ read\ valid@ COMMENT CR.TIME HBAM3016AUG95@ 1.0b1 256color 256color about^ about fmwindow 1.0b1 about andfind andfind folder applescriptM applescript database applescript folderM arrows article article automation batch batch bonus booksr books calcdups calcdups chartsH charts folderH choicesk choices circuls circul clip2gif clip2gif script cntcv folderv contacto contact contestx contest folderx contest create} create records} creating~ creating records database daterng daterng dates1B dates1 dates2C dates2 delete delete portal bonus03 bonus05 bonus07 bonus08 bonus09 bonus10 bonus11 bonus12 bonus13 bonus14 bonus15 bonus16 bonus17 bonus18 Pro 3.0F! delete record dialogi dialog duplicate duplicate record dynalistj dynalist folderj emailer emailer message emboss emboss embossed embossed fields folder enter enter entryfrmz entryfrm eudora2fmp graphs faqsY filemaker folderY feldlbl1 feldlbl1 fieldfx1 fieldfx1 fields filemakerY filemaker/scriptingN filemaker/scripting propertiesN filemaker/scripting scriptingO filesP files finder finder graphics folder first fm/web_ fm/web pict_ fm/web/info] fm/web/info folder] fm/web2` fm/web2 pict` folder icona fmp3/filesd fmp3/files folderd fmpro fmpro xport fmpro xport folder fmpro xport source fmpro xport fmwindow fmwindow 1.0b1 fmwindow 1.0b1 folder fmwinner fmwinner folderH geneva geneva geneva plain layout record/first record/last record/next record/previous related record graphics graphs grouping plain plain plain folder folder readme html2txtQ html2txt htmltxt htmltxt icona indicate indicate indicate/return indicate/return folder bonus lasso lasso layout lists lists loopT folder many~ megacolr megacolr message mltifind mltifind modularity modularity myfilel myfile navigation navigation arrows folder navigation folder need\ record omitter omittst omittst passe patronst patrons percentJ percent pgmrs pgmrs phnumbrsp phnumbrs phnvalidf phnvalid pict_ plain popup popup portal folder previous propertiesN randomR random read\ readme real\ record record/first record/last record/next record/previous records} records folder recreate recreate folder recreate relaten relate foldern related related replace replace resource resource return return script scriptingO search search folder search section6{ section6 folder{ setfieldg setfield showcase showcase folder showcase skills skills source statusV status stored stored subform subform summary summary omitter script times times times plain times times plain v3readmeW v3readme valid valid folder valid1 valid1 valid2 valid2 valuesm values webfm webfm webpageit week/mthK week/mth xport Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday January February March April August September October November December 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter 1/31/97 -- INDEX VARS BELOW -- ABOUT AUTHOR BACKCOLOR BACKCOLOR#2 Start Index StartB CR.TIME CREATOR EMAIL ADDRESS GCLIP GCOLORS ISSUE MD.DATE MD.TIME WEB SITE WHICHCOLOR AboutB Web SiteB Email AddressB -- Index Vars Below --B NameB SizeB CreatorB Cr.DateB Md.DateB gClipB TypeB Cr.TimeB Md.TimeB IssueB CommentB AuthorB gColorsB WhichColorB 1)="Folder" Folder A BackColorB BackColor#2B 1)="Folder" Folder AwThis file indexes BONUS files from Issue 01 to Issue 18. Please refer to Issue #19, "Showing Your True Colors" article. iso@iso-ezine.comT IndexB About this file... AUContributor: James R.Fortier Business: 40er Consulting Email: """""" """""" """""" """""" """""" """""" """""" 5Would you like to contribute your unique tip, trick or twist on something cool that can be done with FileMaker? Send email to us requesting our BONUS file template and then send your masterpiece. We ll make sure that you get the credit you deserve as well as the exposure to many thousands of FileMaker users! UUUUUU UUUUUU UUUUUU end your masterpiece. We ll make sure that you get the credit you deserve as well as the exposure to many thousands of FileMaker users! UUUUUU UUUUUU UUUUUU ISO BONUS Files IndexY Goto Edit INDEX List ... FileName:<< ABAF>> Author: << ABBB>> Size: << ABAG>> Type: << ABAM>> Creator: << ABAI>> Cr.Date: << ABAJ>> Cr.Time: << ABAN>> Md.Date: << ABAK>> Md.Time: << ABAO>> DATES1.FP3F 45 KH FMP3I 09/13/96J 12/06/96L FMP3M 08:40 PMN 08:56 PMO BONUS03 RUnderstanding how a database deals with and generates date functions is not too difficult once you have the basic grasp. After this basic understanding you will be able to solve many of your date problems associated with common needs. Explains how dating systems have evolved. It is copyright 1994 by use in the Microsoft Encarta 1994 CD. By: Matt PetrowskyU DATES2.FP3F 59 KH FMP3I 09/13/96J 12/06/96L FMP3M 08:41 PMN 08:56 PMO BONUS03 This database contains sample records from 1/1/95 to 1/31/96. Go to ANY record in the database, and click the Find All Records For the Month of button. You will see a list of all record for that month. """""" By: Bob CusickU IFS.FP3F 15 KH FMP3I 09/13/96J 12/06/96L FMP3M 08:44 PMN 08:56 PMO BONUS05 ISO Bonus File IndexC NameU IssueW Comment Name Size Type Creator Cr.Date Cr.Time Md.Date Md.Time ABAF>> << ABAG>> << ABAM>> << ABAI>> << ABAJ>> << ABAN>> << ABAK>> << ABAO>> Serif Espy Serif Bold Delete_ Goto Browse INDEX ... Bar.FP3F 34 KH FMP3I 09/13/96J 12/06/96L FMP3M 08:45 PMN 08:57 PMO BONUS05P Repeating Field Trigger. Q By: Matt PetrowskyU CHARTS FolderF 10/21/95J 12/07/96L 07:05 AMN 03:10 PMO BONUS07U Bar.FP3F 26 KH FMP3I 09/13/96J 09/13/96L FMP3M 08:47 PMN 08:47 PMO BONUS07P:How to create bar charts using the ||||||||||| characters.Q By: Matt PetrowskyU Percent.FP3F 78 KH FMP3I 09/13/96J 09/13/96L FMP3M 08:48 PMN 08:48 PMO BONUS07P Making Bar Charts. Enter percentages 1, 2 & 3 and notice the bar changes. Use this unprotected file to understand how we did it. For more information click More Info. By: Matt PetrowskyU Week/Mth.FP3F 70 KH FMP3I 09/13/96J 12/06/96L FMP3M 08:46 PMN 08:58 PMO BONUS07P Week of the Month. Enter the date in which you would like to know which week of that month it had or will appear in. For more information click More Info. By: Matt PetrowskyU AppleScript Folder Learning imbedded IF statements. Explanation: The field Markup Calc (see Define Fields) is a CALCULATION field that has 5 repetitions just like the quantity, size, description, etc. When a calculation field is set to repeat, the calculation evaluates the data ONE LINE at a time - giving you the possbility of having a different value for each line of a repeating field. The Markup Message field will only show up if the total of the Markup Calc is greater than zero, otherwise it will reB main blank. By: Matt PetrowskyU GPXLIB.FP3 Visit ISO Web Site Copy Email Address Go to Index Go to Start Show Folders Show Records Visit ISO Web Site GURLGURL Copy Email Address Show Folders 11/07/95J 12/07/96L 01:36 AMN 03:07 PMO BONUS08U FileMaker/Scripting PropertiesF ToySI 09/03/95J 09/03/95L TEXTM 01:44 PMN 01:44 PMO BONUS08P~FileMaker/Scripting Properties: MENU ITEM, RECORD,WINDOW, MENU, LAYOUT, FIELD, DATABASE, CELL, SCRIPT and DOCUMENT PROPERTIESQ By: Matt PetrowskyU FileMaker/Scripting ScriptingF ToySI 09/02/95J 11/06/95L TEXTM 03:14 AMN 02:31 AMO BONUS08P FileMaker/Scripting Properties: OPEN , WHOSE, SHOW, SET, GET, EXISTS , DO MENU, SORT, DUPLICATE, CREATE, DELETE and COUNT EXAMPLESQ By: Matt PetrowskyU FILES.TXTF ttxtI 11/06/95J 11/06/95L TEXTM 10:27 PMN 10:31 PMO BONUS08P Support text file.Q By: Matt PetrowskyU HTML2TXT.FP3F 17 KH FMP3I 09/13/96J 09/13/96L FMP3M 08:49 PMN 08:50 PMO BONUS08PXClick the button to make this solution replace all carriage returns with a

sequence.Q By: Matt PetrowskyU Random.FP3F 66 KH FMP3I 09/13/96J 09/13/96L FMP3M 08:50 PM 08:50 PMO BONUS08P Random Numbers. What would seem to be the simplest of task can sometime turn out to be nightmarish when attempting to perform them. While the RANDOM function may seem easy, getting the results to happen can be elusive.Q By: Matt PetrowskyU LOOP.FP3F 85 KH FMP3I 09/13/96J 12/06/96L FMP3M 08:52 PMN 08:56 PMO BONUS09 ~Looping Records: Use this ISO Learning Key to understand how to use the looping function. In our example here we have a database that would serve as a lookup for a Quote of the Day that would be found in another database. Our problem is such that, after we have elapsed so many days, the quotes are no longer looked up, because they expired. Our solution is an Auto-Date function. Status.FP3F 47 KH FMP3I 01/09/96J 08/10/96L FMP3M 04:45 PMN 08:44 PMO BONUS10 This file shows off the new Status functions! These functions are VERY handy when used in conjunction with the new conditional scripting features of ScriptMaker. Click Get Status to see all of the fields fill out. By Bob Cusick 1996 ClickWareQ By: Bob CusickU V3README.txtF ttxtI 01/17/96J 01/17/96L TEXTM 01:15 AMN 01:15 AMO BONUS10 The BONUS file included with Issue#10 is a FileMaker 3.0 file contributed by the author of the Section 3 article. Bob Cusick of Clickware has contributed this file for you benefit and learning. A long time veteran of FileMaker Pro, you can contact Bob for his services in database construction for your company. This file also marks the transition that ISO will be making with it's own BONUS files. FAQs FolderF 12/12/95J 12/07/96L 02:11 PMN 02:59 PMO BONUS11U Eudora2FMPF 50 KH apltI 12/19/95J 01/04/96L APPLM 01:29 PM 09:56 AMO BONUS11P This script may take all messages from an Eudora mailbox and pass its messages to records within New messages from within FMP may get queued to the Out mailbox of Eudora. ... It requires AppleScript and Eudora Light or Pro.Q By: Martin TrautmannU faq.fmF 413 KH FMPRI 12/12/95J 02/01/96L FMPRM 04:37 PMN 12:34 AMO BONUS11 This is a template that contains my edition of Frequently Asked Questions on FileMaker Pro. It contains answers from various sources, such as postings on the newsgroup comp.sys.mac.databases, various mailing lists, such as, and my own experience. Most of the current information deals with FMP 2.1, while useful information on FMP 3.0 and previous releases is provided as well. By: Martin TrautmannU No real need to Read MeF ttxtI 12/12/95J 12/18/95L TEXTM 05:10 PMN 03:33 PMO BONUS11P*Text file explaining Eudora2FMP and faq.fmQ By: Martin TrautmannU FM/Web/Info FolderF 01/31/96J 12/07/96L 07:29 PMN 02:59 PMO BONUS11U About.txtF ttxtI 02/01/96J 02/01/96L TEXTM 12:39 AMN 12:39 AMO BONUS11 SThese two screen shot were taken from the Claris World Wide Web site. If you do not have access and are unfamiliar with the Netscape application then please be aware that it is the Internet browser that is being shown. Please review each screen shot for tidbits of information. You will find more comprehensive information in ISO Issue#11. AuthorU FM/Web.PICTF 92 KH ttxtI 01/29/96J 01/31/96L PICTM 07:09 PMN 07:23 PMO BONUS11PRScreenshot of TechInfo database opened via TCP/IP, FileMaker sending to FileMaker.Q AuthorU FM/Web2.PICTF 109 KH ttxtI 01/29/96J 01/31/96L PICTM 07:12 PMN 07:29 PM BONUS11PmScreenshot of Claris Soution Guide database opened via TCP/IP, FileMaker sending to FileMaker using Netscape.U FM3 Folder IconF 02/01/96J 12/07/96L 03:51 PMN 02:59 PMO BONUS11P;Folder with FMP3 Icon, used to copy to another folder icon.U FMP3/Files FolderF 02/01/96J 12/07/96L 12:42 AMN 02:59 PMO BONUS11U Pass.FP3F 53 KH FMP3I 02/01/96J 02/07/96L FMP3M 12:44 AMN 05:56 PMO BONUS11PXThis database shows you how to set up your own custom levels of security with passwords.Q By: Matt PetrowskyU PhnValid.FP3F 59 KH FMP3I 12/29/95J 02/07/96L FMP3M 08:54 AMN 05:55 PMO BONUS11 This database will show you how to use the validation feature as well as teach you a new trick about formating phone numbers. Play with the two (three?) fields, read the information in the Learning area and dissect this database to learn how to use these techniques. By: Matt PetrowskyU SetField.FP3F 41 KH FMP3I 12/29/95J 02/07/96L FMP3M 08:54 AMN 05:53 PMO BONUS11 1This database will show you how to use the new "Set Field" script step in the Script Maker. Set a number into the Number Field and then enter another number in the Change By Field. Clicking on either the Plus or Minus buttons will increase or decrease the Number by the amount showing in the Change Field. By: Matt PetrowskyU DIALOG.FP3F 79 KH FMP3I 02/06/96J 12/06/96L FMP3M 04:04 AMN 08:56 PMO BONUS12P This database will show you how to use a combination of techniqes. Using Global Fields and the Set Field script step to make custom dialog boxes and using Find Mode and a Pause/Resume script step to make the "Return" key work for your data entry methods.Q By: Matt PetrowskyU DYNALIST FolderF 02/07/96J 12/07/96L 07:42 PMN 02:54 PMO BONUS12U CHOICES.FP3F 15 KH FMP3I 02/07/96J 06/02/96L FMP3M 06:24 PMN 08:47 PMO BONUS12 +P2Support file to Dynalmic List Values ( MYFILE.FP3)Q By: Matt PetrowskyU MYFILE.FP3F 53 KH FMP3I 02/07/96J 06/02/96L FMP3M 05:57 PMN 08:47 PMO BONUS12P This database is an example of how to make dynamic values lists. While there is no perfect one way, there are methods that you can use to make it work for you. If you would like a full explaination of what is going on then click on the more info button.Q By: Matt PetrowskyU VALUES.FP3F 12 KH FMP3I 02/07/96J 06/02/96L FMP3M 06:05 PMN 08:47 PMO BONUS12P2Support file to Dynalmic List Values ( MYFILE.FP3)Q By: Matt PetrowskyU RELATE FolderF 02/01/96J 12/07/96L 02:31 PMN 02:54 PMO BONUS12U CONTACT.FP3F 26 KH FMP3I 02/01/96J 08/10/96L FMP3M 02:32 PMN 08:42 PMO BONUS12P the ISO Webmaster for ISO FileMaker Magazine. By: Paul EvardU ReCreate FolderF 07/07/96J 12/07/96L 03:08 PMN 03:30 PMO BONUS15U ReCreate.FP3F 29 KH FMP3I 07/07/96J 07/19/96L FMP3M 03:08 PMN 01:18 AMO BONUS15P.Creates new records using a looping technique.U Related.FP3F 10 KH FMP3I 07/07/96J 07/19/96L FMP3M 03:10 PMN 01:18 AMO BONUS15P$Support file related to ReCreate.FP3U Replace.FP3F 18 KH FMP3I 07/07/96J 07/19/96L FMP3M 11:47 PMN 01:18 AMO BONUS15P A script to find and remove any fields with trailing Returns (typical in address fields). This is very handy for when you have to clean up 10,000 addresses.Q By: Eric ScheidU Showcase FolderF 07/07/96J 12/07/96L 08:20 PMN 03:30 PMO BONUS15U Showcase.FP3F 77 KH FMP3I 05/19/96J 09/13/96L FMP3M 08:02 PMN 09:02 PMO BONUS15 This file is an automatic HTML Web page builder. It's use is for FileMaker users and developers that wish to submit their solutions to the ISO Database Showcase. The ISO Database Showcase is a dedicated area of the ISO web site for showcasing individual solutions that developers create. The Database Showcase will be broken down according to the industry that the solution relates to. ISO will also be providing marketing avenues for developers that wish to market their solutions through ISO.B By: Matt PetrowskyU WebPageIT!F 33 KH apltI 07/07/96J 07/07/96L APPLM 08:20 PMN 08:35 PMO BONUS15P!ApplesScript used by Showcase.FP3Q By: Matt PetrowskyU CARS.FP3F 39 KH FMP3I 08/13/96J 08/30/96L FMP3M 12:37 AMN 07:45 PMO BONUS16P Database demonstrating FindsQ By: Matt PetrowskyU LISTS.FP3F 31 KH FMP3I 06/21/96J 08/30/96L FMP3M 05:43 PMN 07:46 PMO BONUS16 RUse this file to understand how to use and manipulate lists of data that you may create in FileMaker. Using a text field, either global or not, allows you to store items that you can then go into and manipulate. The scripts found in this file will give you an example of what you can do with the Word functions and manipulation of lists. By: Jon RosenU PR FolderF 08/28/96J 12/07/96L 01:56 AMN 03:33 PMO BONUS16U FMWinner.htmF MOSSI 08/26/96J 08/28/96L TEXTM 10:31 PMN 01:57 AMO BONUS16P^HTML Page: BODYMAKER PRO TAKES TOP PRIZE IN THE CLARIS "FILEMAKER PRO 3.0 DATABASE CHALLENGE"Q By: Matt PetrowskyU Lasso_PR.htmF MOSSI 08/26/96J 08/28/96L TEXTM 10:31 PMN 01:52 AMO BONUS16 HTML Page: Lasso Effortlessly Ties your FileMaker Pro Database with the Web Allows full configuration, preview and remote administration all within one's Web browser Allows for customization of CGI within Claris Home PageQ By: Matt PetrowskyU WebFM.htmF MOSSI 08/28/96J 08/28/96L TEXTM 01:57 AMN 01:57 AMO BONUS16PuHTML Page: VERSION 3.0 SUPPORTS THE NEW WEBSTAR API, A HIGH PERFORMANCEREPLACEMENT FOR COMMON GATEWAY INTERFACE(CGI)U RESOURCE.FP3F 74 KH FMP3I 08/05/96J 08/30/96L FMP3M 02:16 AMN 07:48 PMO BONUS16PBA database containing web sites dedicated FileMaker Pro soultions.Q By: Matt PetrowskyU SUMMARY.FP3F 40 KH FMP3I 07/21/96J 08/30/96L FMP3M 09:03 PMN 07:50 PMO BONUS16P This example database shows you how to use ONE report form to get multiple summaries out of it. By simply using a global field and a calculation you can create a field that can be used in a summary part of a layout.Q By: Matt PetrowskyU VALID FolderF 08/18/96J 11/22/96L 07:34 PMN 09:43 PMO BONUS16U VALID1.FP3F 24 KH FMP3I 07/21/96J 08/30/96L FMP3M 09:03 PMN 07:52 PMO BONUS16 The solution to validating a concatenated calculation value as being unique to a database involves using the Count function. Basically, you are counting each occurance of the concatenated value and setting a limit to the number of those values. By: Matt PetrowskyU VALID2.FP3F 22 KH FMP3I 07/21/96J 08/30/96L FMP3M 09:03 PMN 07:52 PMO BONUS16P The validation method is applied to each of the input fields. It is easier to validate a calculated value that depends on other entered values.Q By: Matt PetrowskyU 256Color.FP3F 186 KH FMP3I 10/09/96J 11/08/96L FMP3M 11:29 PMN 03:39 PMO BONUS17 That you can use any of the 256 colors available by the system of your computer. FileMaker has a limited number of available colors. There are only 88 available. Keep a database that has little swatches of all of the other colors that are available by the system. By: David 'Spike' LivermoreU CalcDups.FP3F 36 KH FMP3I 10/09/96J 11/06/96L FMP3M 11:29 PMN 06:18 PMO BONUS17 How to use a calculation and self-relationship, in combination with a serial number to have your database automatically mark duplicates for you. There are many times when a database needs to contain unique data. However, in some networked environments you end up with inevitable duplicates. You have a couple of options to get duplicates. One is through scripting and the other is via a calculation. This database shows you how to use the calculation method. By: John-Mark OsborneU DateRng.FP3F 60 KH FMP3I 10/09/96J 11/02/96L FMP3M 11:29 PMN 01:28 PMO BONUS17 HHow to generate a date range for searching a database. Many users of databases don't know, nor do they take the time to learn all of the complex varieties of searching. It is your job to protect the user from having to know such things. You create a useful interface that will generate the search criteria based on user input. By: Mark RubensteinU Popup.FP3F 49 KH FMP3I 09/03/96J 11/02/96L FMP3M 09:45 AMN 01:29 PMO BONUS17 You should learn how to use this technique to minimise user-entry clutter & distraction. When there is a pop-up list formatting set to a field, it always "pops up", which can be very distracting when you only have a few fields on the screen, like this one. Next to the username entry field there is now a button that invokes a pop-up list, but without it the user can just tab between the fields. By: Eric ScheidU ANDFIND FolderF 11/17/96J 12/02/96L 03:04 PMN 07:43 PMO BONUS18U PGMRS.FP3F 117 KH FMP3I 11/02/96J 11/23/96L FMP3M 03:51 PMN 10:05 PMO BONUS18 How to use a simple trick of adding repeating values to a field in a related file to allow you to search for multiple criteria. There may be many times when you have a related file and you want to find not just those records that match based on one setting but many. In a normal search of a portal you can only search in the first value, this prevents you from searching for this AND that. The trick is done by making the field you would be searching on into a repeating field. You E are only using the repeats to search on. You are not storing data in them, as this would not wise to do. Since the days of FileMaker 2 you have been able to search for multiple values in repeating fields. This carries over to FileMaker 3.0. While you don t want to use the repeats for storage you can use them for searching. By: Jon RosenU SKILLS.FP3F 183 KH FMP3I 10/23/95J 11/23/96L FMP3M 12:38 AMN 10:05 PMO BONUS18P$Relational file supporting PGMRS.FP3Q By: Jon RosenU FELDLBL1.FP3F 50 KH FMP3I 10/09/96J 11/23/96L FMP3M 11:29 PMN 08:57 PMO BONUS18 dThis file is designed to show you how to reclaim wasted space that would be used for field labels in your database. This technique is deceptively simple. For every field on the layout that is to have a label, create a corresponding calculation field. For example, for the "Address" text field, create a calculation field called "Address Label Calc'er". By: John KrischeU FIELDFX1.FP3F 65 KH FMP3I 10/09/96J 11/23/96L FMP3M 11:29 PMN 09:00 PMO BONUS18P A neat little method for making some of your field contents stand out. It's easy to give layout text (static text) a dropshadow or embossment. Fields, which are not static but dynamic, pose a problem. By: John KrischeU MEGACOLR.FP3F 204 KH FMP3I 10/09/96J 11/23/96L FMP3M 11:29 PMN 10:09 PMO BONUS18 Not too many, but a few people know that on the Macintosh you can edit the palette colors of the individual 88 color spots that FileMaker Pro provides. What I did was go in and methodically swap out all of the differenent colors to create a full spectrum of the available colors as native FileMaker objects. The reason this is valuable, is that the objects are not treated as bitmaps, taking up valuable disk space. The are treated as native objects and are drawn by the system and FileMa ker Pro. This means *very* low overhead for your files. You will notice this by the small file size for all of the colors contained within this file. By: Matt PetrowskyU MLTIFIND.FP3F 58 KH FMP3I 10/09/96J 12/01/96L FMP3M 11:29 PMN 06:21 PMO BONUS18 |The way that FileMaker Pro performs it find operations. Many users don't know how to perform and or search. This is often times known as a multiple query search. When you go into find mode some users don't know that you can create more than one search for more than one thing. Learn how FileMaker performs searches by knowing what to enter when you are looking for specific data. By: Beverly VothU Modularity.PICTF 105 KH BOBOI 11/08/96J 11/08/96L PICTM 03:29 PMN 03:29 PMO BONUS18P8Picture demonstrating how to create Modular 3-D buttons.Q By: John KrischeU OMITTST.FP3F 10 KH FMP3I 11/19/96J 11/23/96L FMP3M 01:00 PMN 08:38 PMO BONUS18 This file is being passed around to make sure that you don't get yourself into a sticky situation with turning the status bar off an locking it and then trying to perfom a script that uses the omit step. The bug is that if you use the omit script step to script a find that uses and omit you must have the status bar unlocked. A find that use the omit function will not work if the status bar is hidden an locked. Turn the status bar on and off and run the demo of bug script to see what is beiBrng conveyed here. The script for this file is supposed to find all record except the ones with the value of "red". By: Matt PetrowskyU Show Records FolderO "Folder" Folder Go to Start Go to Index Helvetica Geneva Times Monaco Courier Palatino "Folder" Folder ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" (LIST Author By: Matt Petrowsky By: Bob Cusick By: Beverly Voth By: Eric Scheid By: David 'Spike' Livermore By: James Fortier By: Jon Rosen By: John Krische By: John-Mark Osborne By: Lorne Walton By: Mark Rubenstein By: Martin Trautmann By: Paul Evard By: Vincenzo P. Menanno VDEFA( (LIST VDEFA( AuthorB Names ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" COMMENT CR.DATE MENT CR.DATE AboutB Web SiteB Email AddressB -- Index Vars Below --B NameB SizeB CreatorB Cr.DateB Md.DateB gClipB TypeB Cr.TimeB Visit ISO Web Site Copy Email Address Go to Index Go to Start Show Folders Show Records Visit ISO Web Site GURLGURL Copy Email Address Show Folders Show Folders